Association Française du Cheval Crème
81630 Montgaillard, France
Telephone (00) 33 5 63 33 53 43.

Membership Form


Mrs. Miss. Mr. :
Name :
First Name :
Address :
Postal Code, Town :
Country :

Telephone. :

Email :

I would like to join the French Creme Horse Association ( Association Française du Cheval Crème)

I enclose
                                     70,00 euros  (entry right, 1st time only + membership)
                                     80,00 euros (entry right, 1st time only + family membership)
                                     50,00 euros (membership renewal)

                                     60,00 euros (family membership renewal)

                                    10,00 euros (rulebook) postage included
                                    rulebook by email (free of charge)

Date :                                                                    Signature :


Print out this membership form and send it to the above address with a check in euros.

Check made out to the Association Française du Cheval Crème

















For more information

Association Française du Cheval Crème, 81630 Montgaillard. France. Tél. 00 33 5 63 33 53 43.