Association Française du Cheval Crème

81630 Montgaillard, France.
Tél. (33) 5 63 33 53 43.   
Changement de propriétaire                  Transfer Record
When sold date of delivery                     Name and address of owner as shown by record                 Attest of record by secretary

Ne rien inscrire, Do not write here

Doit être rempli par le propriétaire vendeur (imprimé ou majuscules)
To be filled in by owner of record (please type or print)

Moi (propriétaire)                                                     transfére (nom du cheval)
I (owner)  _____________________________ transfer ( name of horse)  ____________________

Numéro inscrit                       à (nouvelle propriétaire)
_________________    to (new owner)    ________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________Pays Country _________________

Date  _________________________________


(Ancien propriétaire)                                                ( Nouvelle propriétaire)
(Former owner)   ________________________  ( New owner)   _______________________

Must be either printed, or filled in clearly with blue ink .

Price :   25 euros within the month of sale,   40 euros after one month.

Print out this paper, fill in, both old and new owners must sign, send in this paper with the original ACHR paper and the check to the above adress.
Checks made out to the 'Association Française du Cheval Crème.

"Never fold the original horse paper"